Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Statins may be beneficial for people after 75

A retrospective study published in the European Heart Journal reports  that people who continue taking statins even after they turn 75 reap benefits. 

A total of 120 173 subjects were followed for an average of 2.4 years.  17 204 (14.3%) discontinued statins and 5396 (4.5%) were admitted for a cardiovascular event. The adjusted hazard ratios for statin discontinuation were 1.33   for any cardiovascular event, 1.46 for coronary event, 1.26 for cerebrovascular event, and 1.02 for other vascular events.

The authors concluded that statin discontinuation was associated with a 33% increased risk of admission for cardiovascular events in 75-year-old primary prevention patients.

1 comment:

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